There But Not There

There But Not There – Solo Installation

I’ve learned that inconclusive conditions resulting from both the presence and absence of a loved one can cause upsetting emotional ambiguity. University of MN Emeritus Professor, Dr. Pauline Boss, says conditions including a missing family member, immigration, war, divorce, Alzheimer’s, gender transferal, and even children moving away from home can create intense grief or, what she has labeled, Ambiguous Loss.

As a sculptor and installation artist, I explore these diametric conditions by applying fiber and textile processes to wire, such as the piece pictured above: As I Sit I Knit. This installation sheds light on life’s unresolved situations— bringing form to formless emotions. I combine contradictory and elusive elements to help others see ambiguity for what it is: unanswerable, visceral, yet inescapable all at once.

Phipps Center for the Arts, Hudson, WI

September 13 – October 20, 2019

Opening Reception: Friday, September 13, 6:30-8:30pm

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